The Supernatural

I can hardly believe that I am writing this post! After a four and a half year journey, we are here now. WE HAVE JOURNEYED THROUGH FAITH TO FERTILITY…When we least expected it. The Lord’s timing is truly everything. There were no vitamins, treatments, tricks, or tracking involved. In fact, I was having a weird sinus/coughing/sneezing thing going on – I didn’t feel sick but my body was acting like it. So I wanted to take a Mucinex but something kept nagging me to take a pregnancy test before taking the Mucinex. I was annoyed but took the test anyway and awaited for the “NO-” so I could pop my pill. I set my timer to 3 minutes and when I looked down I read, “YES+”!!! All I could say on repeat was “What the”. With my hands shaking, I grasped the test tightly and rushed into our bedroom just as Allan was getting out of bed. I shoved the test in his face and there was total disbelief for both of us! We didn’t want to get our hopes up (in light of our false positive in February) but I reassured him I wasn’t taking anything that would cause a false positive… I wasn’t even taking a prenatal! So I grabbed another test (a different test) and took that one – within seconds two lines popped up and I ran to him again. We were in total (and still are) shock. I called my doctor immediately and went for stat blood work; at 3weeks, 4days my hcg was 175, two days later it had more than doubled. Then, last Tuesday, December 1st, we went for our first ultrasound at 5 weeks, 2 days and there we saw this perfect little bean!:

ย ย  “For this child we have prayed…” 1 Samuel 1:27

We go back in a week for another ultrasound! Your continued prayers are appreciated. We are clinging to God’s promises and praying for an enjoyable pregnancy. Thank you for your support and encouragement on this journey – this is only the beginning! …Stay tuned for more updates!

Side note: If you’re trying to get pregnant or are pregnant, I highly recommend you read “Supernatural Childbirth” by Jackie Mize. I was given this book by a friend and have been reading it on repeat for several years (it’s a really short book). It strengthens my faith every time I read it and I know it will strengthen yours too!

23 thoughts on “The Supernatural

  1. God is AH-MAZING!! Our family has experienced so many miracles in the last 5 years. We are immensely blessed. I believe the Lord is using our family as a witness to others of His goodness and grace.
    Can’t WAIT to meet (and kiss) Baby Guevara!!!
    Love you Juli and Allan!!

    Liked by 1 person

    I have been silently following your blog for the past year or so, and you have been such an inspiration. I know the journey has been long for you, but I am thankful that God has turned it into something where you can reach out to others in your trials. I am SO happy for your pregnancy, and will be praying for continued health for you and baby. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I am still in the journey….almost 3 years in, and we have failed 3 IUI’s and 1 IVF cycle. God has now called us to stop all treatments. My song these days is “Just be Held” by Casting Crowns.
    Anyway, not wanting to take away from your joy and celebration, just wanted to say thank you for your words along the journey that you have shared with all of us. May God continue to bless you and your growing family!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so very much!! And oh my goodness, you aren’t taking away my joy and celebration, you’re adding to it because I know what God did for us, He will do for you! All we can do is follow His lead. I know countless faith-filled families that have beautiful families due in part to fertility treatments and others that refused any intervention and still ended up with a miracle! He put that desire in your heart and He will fulfill it. Please keep me updated on your journey! Xoxo, Julianna


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